
Welcome to my home page. My name is Jens Jørgen Nielsen, but as my hobby projects are sort of semi-professional I decided to present them on this site. 

Corix is also the name of a small company I own. It provides consultancy and solutions in areas such as signal processing, coding and cryptography. 

What's here?

Various stuff I made over the years:


The C-source for an arbitrary N Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)


An idea for quantization of FIR filters


Encoders/decoders for of various Error Correcting Codes (ECC)


A tiny Windows game


An extension for Sketchup that draws the Möbius strip and (much) more

What's new?

November 2012: C source for Hamming & Golay codes available.
November 2012: C source for Reed-Solomon codes available.
January 2015: Updated the mixfft package with a few goodies
January 2015: Added the Sketchup page including an extension to draw “rings”
